We are highly recommended by verified reviews

Ste-Agathe Service Centre Ltd
195 Pembina Trail
Ste-Agathe, MB R0G 1Y0
49.564677 -97.184470
4.99/5.00 average rating
543 reviews
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Thank you, to Al and the rest of the technicians. for repairing my truck. It was completed with a thorough explanation of the service, and the vehicle was returned to me as clean as when I brought it for service. Martin.
I was very satisfied, price was right, and my brother would not work for an inferior company. Thanks guys !!! Doris Stott (owner of the Acura in question)
As usual service and satisfaction were top end.
Needed to change 4 tires. Estimate was done day before; car was brought in following day; tire installation was completed in the morning. As well, the owner, Alain Robert, notified me that I needed a new battery. That was appreciated & gave him instructions to instal a new one. I knew beforehand the estimate quote including 4 new tires,new battery & oil change & full fluid inspection. More imporatntly both my wife & I are driving a vehicle that is mechanically sound & road safe. Thank you Alain & staff. Guy & Suzanne Gagnon
I've asctually recommended your shop to a lot of my friends. Your customer service is excellent. You are always friendly and courteous that's why I like coming to your shop. Your prices are also very good. THANK YOU. Have a very Happy New Year.
If you at some point were able to get a loaner car or two that would be the icing on the cake. Normally the work can be done on a Saturday, but once in a while it takes longer. Then a loaner car would be terrific. Perhaps at a small fee ($25)?
I recommend your shop to everyone I know because of the reasonable prices and great service.
Super happy with the shop, we had an emergency on Tuesday and the truck was picked up, worked on and fixed by the end of the same day!! Can not say how happy we were that our work truck was only off the road for 1 day
The staff and service was very courteous and friendly. I have recommended your shop to lots of people. Thank you for such great service. Sorry it took so long to reply - holidays, wedding, etc . It'd been a very busy summer.
Al, I need a freebee for the good rating! :-) Just shitting. Have a good week. Conrad.
Keep up the good work
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195 Pembina Trail
Ste-Agathe, MB R0G 1Y0
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